Company Signup:
School If you are a current Gift Key SQL customer and would like to enable your schools and sales reps access to web-based reports then please contact us directly for the details. If you are a fundraising business and would like to learn more about how Gift Key SQL can help run your entire fundraising business then please contact us.
Contact our sales department to sign your company up for Gift Key Sql Web Reporting. Sales Department Info: 706-369-7427 x 304
School Signup:
School If you are a school; you are here because your fundraising company would like to offer you access to specific reports via the Internet. If you would like to sign up for this service; please fill out the School Signup form and you will be sent login information to access your school’s reports online. If you have any questions please contact your fundraising company directly.
Please visit our School Signup page to register your school.